Letters and Public Statements
Below you’ll find current and historical letters supporting Leonard's release
The following national and regional Tribal organizations have submitted letters in support of Leonard Peltier’s release:
National Congress of American Indians Resolution #LV-24-022 | 282 Tribes nationally
National Congress of American Indians Letter | 282 Tribes nationally
Oglala Sioux Tribe & Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association Letter | 16 Tribes
United South & Eastern Tribes Letter | 33 Tribes from Texas to Maine
Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes Resolution | 35 Tribes in MN/WI/MI/IA
Coalition of Large Tribes Letter | 20 Tribes
Tribal Alliance of Sovereign Indian Nations Letter | 13 Southern CA Tribes
Senate Letter to President Biden
Letter in Support of Clemency Signed by Brian Schatz, Patrick Leahy, Elizabeth Warren, Edward J. Markey, Bernard Sanders, Mazie K. Hirono, and Tina Smith
Coleen Rowley, a retired FBI special agent whose career included 14 years as legal counsel in the Minneapolis division where she worked with prosecutors and agents directly involved in the Peltier case, wrote to Joe Biden to make a case for Peltier’s release.
Former U.S. Attorney James Reynolds, whose office handled the prosecution of Mr. Peltier’s case recently wrote a letter further highlighting the injustice of Mr. Peltier’s continued incarceration, noting the prosecutorial misconduct and constitutional violations committed by his office at the time and one juror’s early trial admission of racism against Native Americans.
The National Congress of American Indians is the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native national organization, leading Indian Country in its advocacy efforts nationally and internationally. This resolution is the third that NCAI has passed in support of the release of Leonard Peltier.
This is a comprehensive background document that can be used for educating newcomers to this effort or for sharing with those who need an update.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. James Reynolds Prosecuting U.S. Attorney Leonard Peltier, 78, a Native American activist and citizen of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians (ND), is now in his 48th year of incarceration. He is serving two life sentences in a maximum-security federal prison for his alleged role in the deaths of two FBI […]